Most businesses got a healthy tax cut, and found themselves with more funds than they expected to have last year. This is a great thing. And many of those businesses are using this money saved on taxes to reinvest in themselves by buying new (or new to them) equipment. Businesses who used the tax savings to buy equipment can now deduct the full price of that equipment using Section 179 (which was raised to one million in the Tax Cut and Jobs Act). So they get to keep more of their money, which means they are technically double dipping (in a good way). They get tax savings, and use those tax savings to get MORE tax savings. Plus they get the new equipment.
Whether you purchase outright or use a lease tailored to your companies specific needs, you can take advantage in 2019.
Contact us for a budget quote today!
We are Section 179 Certified.
See how much you can save using this Tax Deduction Calculator: